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Aluminium Compounds
   Aluminium boride
   Aluminium chlorohydrate
   Aluminium gallium indium phosphide
   Aluminium gallium nitride
   Aluminium gallium phosphide
   Aluminium monostearate
   Aluminium nitrate
   Aluminium sulfate
   Yttrium aluminium garnet
Aluminium boride AlB2
It is used as a grinding compound to replace diamond or corundum. It is also used as a coating to strengthen aluminium.
Aluminium chlorohydrate AlnCl(3n-m)(OH)m
A group of aluminium salts used in deodorants and antiperspirants and as a flocculant in water purification.
Aluminium gallium indium phosphide AlGaInP
A semiconductor material used in the manufacture of light-emitting diodes of high-brightness red, orange, green, and yellow colour, to form the heterostructure emitting light. It is also used to make diode lasers.
Aluminium gallium nitride AlGaN
Used to manufacture light-emitting diodes operating in blue to ultraviolet region, where wavelengths down to 250 nm (far UV) were achieved. It is also used in blue semiconductor lasers. It is also used in detectors of ultraviolet radiation.
Aluminium gallium phosphide AlGaP
A semiconductor material used in the manufacture of green light-emitting diodes.
Aluminium monostearate Al(OH)2C18H35O2
It is used to form gels in the packaging of pharmaceuticals, and in the preparation of variuos colours for cosmetics. It is usually safe in commercial products, but aluminium may accumulate in the body.
Aluminium nitrate Al(NO3)3
It is used in tanning leather, antiperspirants, corrosion inhibitors, extraction of uranium, petroleum refining, and as a nitrating agent.
Aluminium sulfate Al2(SO4)3.16H2O
Used in water purification and as a mordant in dyeing and printing textiles. In water purification, it causes impurities to coagulate which are removed as the particulate settles to the bottom of the container or more easily filtered.
When dissolved in a large amount of neutral or slightly-alkaline water, aluminum sulfate produces a gelatinous precipitate of aluminum hydroxide, Al(OH)3. In dyeing and printing cloth, the gelatinous precipitate helps the dye adhere to the clothing fibers by rendering the pigment insoluble.
Yttrium aluminium garnet Y3Al5O12
A synthetic crystalline material of the garnet group, used as the active laser medium in various solid-state lasers..
It also finds use in jewellery as a diamond simulant. Coloured variants are faceted and valued (as synthetics) for their clarity, durability, high refractive index and dispersion.